First Class Info About How To Be Ready For The Rapture

How to be spiritually ready for the rapture?
How to be ready for the rapture. Always approach god with a humble attitude stay in. First, aim at walking after christ jesus perfectly. It means to have the power of christ living in your heart, praying daily for the vital oil of the spirit to help you be ready.
This is the first and most important step. Make sure you are ready for the rapture. Are you ready for the rapture?
For even hereunto were ye called: What must we do to be ready for the rapture? “ are you ready for the rapture ”, what would your answer be?
Second, walk with the holy spirit as your guide. The only way to be prepared to be rescued by christ in the rapture is to already be in relationship with jesus before the rapture takes place. Our readiness to be raptured is summed up in the declaration, trust jesus for all things pertaining to life and to godliness.
So, how do we prepare for the rapture and escape the wrath of god to come? As we are anticipating our blessed hope, we encourage each other with the word of god, we pray for the unreached and the persecuted. Like the five foolish virgins who tried to get oil for their lamps from their.
We share the love of christ in this group. Do not miss the wedding, everyone who has ears to he. 2 days agomany prophecy teachers have long expected global problems that will cause people to accept “the man with a plan” who will rise in the eu and be known as the antichrist.